I resonated deeply with this. I always felt so “patronised” and “less than” when friends (usually the happily married ones) said “well God is your husband now”.. yeah right!!! Exactly like you describe and authentically admit to .. where was “God… the husband.. with skin on” when the house was looking like a dump, four kids, chronic pain and just needed someone to make me a cup of tea for a change!!! I, like you find him/her showing up in places that I know no-one else could see or know. Places that really mean something to me. Your article has also really highlighted an area I still really struggle with and am trying to “work on” which is “asking for help”, allowing myself to be “needy..” and believe me that is not something I am comfortable with at all. I hate the word, hate the feeling BUT like that psycho movie when Jack Nicholson shouts “heres Jonny”.. I think yep .. “Here’s God.. he’s coming for this painful part of me too..” and your article has SO encouraged me, invigorated my faith and hope that he’s got it all in hand… though I do wish at times he would actually have the hoover in his hand at the same time! I’m so glad I’ve found you and your writing one of the top highlights of my year.

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Leslie, your faith in God and the way He works the little miracles in your life are amazing!

Your writings are always such a blessing and I love reading them. So glad you are continuing to be so real about life and sharing with all of us.😊❤️

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This paragraph gripped me: "I do not care if you already have a husband. It doesn’t matter if you have a wife. Are you open to a god like this? One who seems to be willing to get his hands dirty, who doesn’t even kill the mouse because his tenderness knows no bounds? Who shows up for something as menial as yard work in the form of providing capable folks when you don’t even ask?"

Thank you so much for writing these words. As someone who also often needs the brittle leaves rehydrated, this is a balm.

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